(17,19Hz) MARCUS | uk

Маркус Миллер (Marcus Miller) родился 14 июня 1959 г. в Бруклине, вырос на Лонг-Айлэнде (Нью-Йорк). Семья была музыкальной, особенное же влияние на Маркуса оказал отец, джазовый пианист- любитель и церковный органист. Еще совсем юным Маркус почувствовал тягу к ритм-энд-блюзу. В 10 лет он взял в руки кларнет, позже добавив к своему музыкальному арсеналу фортепиано и бас. В 15 он получил первый профессиональный ангажемент с оркестром Нью-Йоркского джаз-клуба "Harlem River Drive". В джазовую среду Маркуса ввел Кенни Уошингтон, ныне прославленный ударник, самым же первым кумиром стал Майлз Дэвис. Одним из участников состава Дэвиса был Уинтон Келли, двоюродный брат Маркуса. В 16...
Marcus Canty (born January 22, 1991) is an American R&B and soul singer. He finished in fourth place in the first season of The X Factor USA. Marcus Canty was born in Washington, DC and raised in Landover, Maryland by his single mother, Darlene M. Canty. He attended Columbia Park Elementary School in Landover, Maryland; Hyattsville Middle School, in Hyattsville, Maryland; DeMatha Catholic High School also in Hyattsville, Maryland; and graduated from Montrose Christian School in Rockville, Maryland. He started acting at the age of 3 in church plays and graduated to the big stage in an award winning OneStage...
Born in Ohio, Johnson was raised in Washington, D.C. and grew up sampling a cornucopia of musical styles. His mother was a classical pianist and his father purveyed the funk. After Johnson witnessed his first live show – Earth, Wind and Fire – with his father, his musical chariot was in motion. His step-father, using his winnings from a Maryland Pick-3 Lottery game, bought Johnson his first keyboard and the noodlin’ began. With private lessons from an aunt and direction from his high school music director, Johnson’s keyboard fetish flared into a passion particularly knowing he couldn’t sing nor rap....