Satanicpornocultshop | uk

By integrating Levi Strauss’ concept of ‘bricolage’ (Tristes Tropiques, 1955) into hip-hop, the early duo comprised of Alan Folkroe and Ghammehuche cast the first stone of what was soon to become the surrealistic castle randomly named Satanicpornocultshop in 1997. The first Satanicpornocultshop album voluptuously titled ‘Nirvana or Lunch ?’, released on their own label NuNuLaxNulan in 1998, was followed by a series of participations in various compilations: Trip Trap, LD&K, Subject, etc. The Art of confusion already prevailing in their work, their third opus ‘Baltimore 72’ (1999) was released before their second, ‘Belle Excentrique’ (2000). Since then, the gangrenous music...