Traditional | uk

The Traditionals are from Pittsburgh, PA.We've been together since late Summer of 1997... In 1998 the band Recorded a demo that is unreleased (and should stay that way haha) poor recording. in 1999 we released "no choice" L.P. on independent label. Toured some east coast cities. in 2000 we played beer olympics in Atlanta and was working with GMM records for a bit. In 2001 - Played the Beer olympics and other shows with bands like Oxymoron, Patriot, UK Subs, Templars in Pittsburgh. At this point Donovan left the band and Rob Faulkner came on as lead singer. In 2002...
Знайдено 151 пісні, тривалість: 11:34:47
Traditional Kurdish Song
Traditional Jigs / The Congress Reel
Ankara kalesi
Vision of the Past
Istanbul Night
Danse des récoltes
Morning Thought
Rocky Road to Dublin
bebra from traditional china
Traditional Azeri Song
Traditional Musette
Traditional Values
Arab Traditional Dance
Greensleeves (Traditional English Song)
Indian Traditional Celebration
arabic club
Oriental Sunset
Oh du lieber Augustin
Festive Celebration
Beautiful Chinese Traditional Music
Bandiera Rossa
Erg Traditional Song
Jig and Reel
Danses sénégalaises
Irish Dances
Les yeux noirs
Yanzhou - Song of the Mountain
AYA (Traditional ver.)